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Ambition Education Trust

Address The Ridgeway, St Albans, Herts, AL4 9NX   |   info@ambitioneducationtrust.org

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Join Ambition Education Trust as a Governor

Why join Ambition as a Governor or Member of Staff?

As a Trust, we expect Ambition to:

  • Enable governors and leaders to join together and take responsibility to provide better education in their community, rather than just in their individual schools, supported by a common ethos
  • Facilitate the sharing of effective practice across a family of schools, so that when a particular approach has been shown to work, improving teaching and learning, it can be implemented across the Trust
  • Ensure that no school is left behind
  • Extend the reach and opportunities for great leaders and governors at all levels to support and develop teachers across a wider group of schools
  • Produce a pipeline of future leaders, by enabling a greater array of middle leadership positions
  • Facilitate the recruitment and retention of staff, by giving leaders the ability to point to realistic career development paths and opportunities to specialise within a MAT
  • Make it easier for teachers to support each other across the family of schools by sharing, drawing on and learning from good practice, taking on increased responsibility for specialist subjects and acting as a coach and critical friend
  • Generate economies of scale, enabling cost efficient commissioning and purchasing of goods and services, and/or facilitating the development of in-house services for schools across the MAT

If you'd like to be a part of our exciting journey providing Educational Excellence for All, then please view our vacancies here.